Sunday, April 8, 2012


Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are finally to be married! The engagement has been decided. I am so happy for her I feel at ease to think that Lizzy has chosen her own future, not simply for the sake of the family. I to, did not want her to live a terrible and depressing life with a man whom she does not share feelings with. Lizzy deserves the best! Oh how fortunate that three of Mother's daughters have been married.


Ahh, today I went on a walk with Bingly, Elizabeth, and Mr. Darcy and it was so soothing. Lizzy and Mr. Darcy lagged behind...oh how cute they were! I have never seen Lizzy so shy but happy. Mr. Darcy is surely flirting with her! It is so obvious that he still has feelings towards her, he's just at a loss for words! Today was lovely indeed.

True Happiness

Bingly has proposed to me this very day! I never believed I would experience such a day, but I am ecstatic to believe that we are engaged and we shall be married soon. He is so adorably handsome. I feel as if my heart will burst, but surely I will not let that happen for then Bingly will be without a wife! My parents are so proud of me, especially Mother who has become more lively than before.

Bingly's Visit!

I hear that Mr. Bingly is to come for a visit! Oh how I'm excited and delighted at this, for we have not seen each other for quite awhile... I feel a gentle warmth arising from within me. I truly do continue to have affectionate feelings towards Bingly though we have been seperated for a long time. Oh! I think they have arrived! Goodness, Mr. Bingly has brought Mr. Darcy with him. I must not daddle and allow them to enter!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Darcy’s Letter

My dear Lizzy has been hand given a letter from Mr. Darcy expounding his thoughts and beliefs regarding Lizzy’s hatred toward him! Elizabeth has told me the contents in which this extremely lengthy letter regards. For him to use up so much of his personal time in order to explain himself to Elizabeth is truly admiring. He is such an amiable soul to attempt to have Elizabeth’s prejudice diminish in order for her opinion of him to change. His way of words is amusing, but I hope these events will lead to an even brighter future ahead for Lizzy.

Darcy’s Proposal

I knew all of Mr. Darcy’s recent visits were because he truly admired Elizabeth and now he has proposed to her. Elizabeth does deserve to marry someone who loves her, yet she refuses the proposal. Lizzy should reconsider this. Everyone deserves a chance to live happily aligned with their true love and Lizzy is human after all. I am so very proud that someone thinks dearly of Elizabeth. True, his proposal did not sound the best, but he must only have a tougher time expressing himself through words as do many men whom are infatuated.

Elizabeth and Darcy

I just received a most troubling letter from my sister Elizabeth whom writes she is constantly reminded of Darcy’s rudeness and pride. She should not loath him for the way he has been raised or is thought of by others. Darcy must have his reasons after all, and he seems he could be such a lovely father and husband. By what I have heard, Darcy strongly admires Lizzy and wishes for her company. This is adorable in so many ways. Lizzy is so naïve sometimes, but I shall aid her with anything that she might need assistance on for she is my lovely little sister in denial!

My Early Morning Walk

Ah, Bingly is utterly charming yet again this fine morning. I must watch him from afar! This must surely be not right, but he is simply dazzling in this morning sunlight! His personality, his beautiful young and handsome complexion would captivate any woman. Though, Mrs. Bingly does not approve of the admiration shared between Bingly and I. If I am not suitable for this man then I shall only hope for Bingly’s happy marriage and future for that is all I can do from afar.