Sunday, April 8, 2012


Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are finally to be married! The engagement has been decided. I am so happy for her I feel at ease to think that Lizzy has chosen her own future, not simply for the sake of the family. I to, did not want her to live a terrible and depressing life with a man whom she does not share feelings with. Lizzy deserves the best! Oh how fortunate that three of Mother's daughters have been married.


  1. Thank you for your happiness for me Jane! I truly appreciate it. Oh how much fun we will have, galavanting around our estates like a couple of rich girls. We all got a happy ending after all!

  2. It is quite exciting for everyone involved. I am so happy to be marrying your sister. For she is my love and always will be. I wish the best for you and good friend Mr. Bingley.
